3.1.46 \(\int \frac {d+e x+f x^2+g x^3+h x^4+i x^5}{(4-5 x^2+x^4)^3} \, dx\)

Optimal. Leaf size=239 \[ -\frac {x \left (-5 x^2 (7 d+28 f+64 h)+59 d+380 f+848 h\right )}{3456 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )}+\frac {x \left (-\left (x^2 (5 d+8 f+20 h)\right )+17 d+20 f+32 h\right )}{144 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )^2}-\frac {\tanh ^{-1}\left (\frac {x}{2}\right ) (313 d+820 f+1936 h)}{20736}+\frac {1}{648} \tanh ^{-1}(x) (13 d+25 f+61 h)-\frac {1}{162} \log \left (1-x^2\right ) (2 e+5 g+11 i)+\frac {1}{162} \log \left (4-x^2\right ) (2 e+5 g+11 i)-\frac {\left (5-2 x^2\right ) (2 e+5 g+11 i)}{108 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )}+\frac {-\left (x^2 (2 e+5 g+17 i)\right )+5 e+8 g+20 i}{36 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )^2} \]


Rubi [A]  time = 0.34, antiderivative size = 239, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.00, number of steps used = 13, number of rules used = 11, integrand size = 38, \(\frac {\text {number of rules}}{\text {integrand size}}\) = 0.290, Rules used = {1673, 1678, 1178, 1166, 207, 1663, 1660, 12, 614, 616, 31} \begin {gather*} -\frac {x \left (-5 x^2 (7 d+28 f+64 h)+59 d+380 f+848 h\right )}{3456 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )}+\frac {x \left (x^2 (-(5 d+8 f+20 h))+17 d+20 f+32 h\right )}{144 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )^2}-\frac {\tanh ^{-1}\left (\frac {x}{2}\right ) (313 d+820 f+1936 h)}{20736}+\frac {1}{648} \tanh ^{-1}(x) (13 d+25 f+61 h)-\frac {\left (5-2 x^2\right ) (2 e+5 g+11 i)}{108 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )}+\frac {x^2 (-(2 e+5 g+17 i))+5 e+8 g+20 i}{36 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )^2}-\frac {1}{162} \log \left (1-x^2\right ) (2 e+5 g+11 i)+\frac {1}{162} \log \left (4-x^2\right ) (2 e+5 g+11 i) \end {gather*}

Antiderivative was successfully verified.


Int[(d + e*x + f*x^2 + g*x^3 + h*x^4 + i*x^5)/(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)^3,x]


(x*(17*d + 20*f + 32*h - (5*d + 8*f + 20*h)*x^2))/(144*(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)^2) + (5*e + 8*g + 20*i - (2*e + 5*g +
 17*i)*x^2)/(36*(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)^2) - ((2*e + 5*g + 11*i)*(5 - 2*x^2))/(108*(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)) - (x*(59*d + 3
80*f + 848*h - 5*(7*d + 28*f + 64*h)*x^2))/(3456*(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)) - ((313*d + 820*f + 1936*h)*ArcTanh[x/2])/
20736 + ((13*d + 25*f + 61*h)*ArcTanh[x])/648 - ((2*e + 5*g + 11*i)*Log[1 - x^2])/162 + ((2*e + 5*g + 11*i)*Lo
g[4 - x^2])/162

Rule 12

Int[(a_)*(u_), x_Symbol] :> Dist[a, Int[u, x], x] /; FreeQ[a, x] &&  !MatchQ[u, (b_)*(v_) /; FreeQ[b, x]]

Rule 31

Int[((a_) + (b_.)*(x_))^(-1), x_Symbol] :> Simp[Log[RemoveContent[a + b*x, x]]/b, x] /; FreeQ[{a, b}, x]

Rule 207

Int[((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2)^(-1), x_Symbol] :> -Simp[ArcTanh[(Rt[b, 2]*x)/Rt[-a, 2]]/(Rt[-a, 2]*Rt[b, 2]), x] /;
 FreeQ[{a, b}, x] && NegQ[a/b] && (LtQ[a, 0] || GtQ[b, 0])

Rule 614

Int[((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_) + (c_.)*(x_)^2)^(p_), x_Symbol] :> Simp[((b + 2*c*x)*(a + b*x + c*x^2)^(p + 1))/((p +
1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)), x] - Dist[(2*c*(2*p + 3))/((p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)), Int[(a + b*x + c*x^2)^(p + 1), x], x] /;
 FreeQ[{a, b, c}, x] && NeQ[b^2 - 4*a*c, 0] && LtQ[p, -1] && NeQ[p, -3/2] && IntegerQ[4*p]

Rule 616

Int[((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_) + (c_.)*(x_)^2)^(-1), x_Symbol] :> With[{q = Rt[b^2 - 4*a*c, 2]}, Dist[c/q, Int[1/Simp
[b/2 - q/2 + c*x, x], x], x] - Dist[c/q, Int[1/Simp[b/2 + q/2 + c*x, x], x], x]] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c}, x] && NeQ
[b^2 - 4*a*c, 0] && PosQ[b^2 - 4*a*c] && PerfectSquareQ[b^2 - 4*a*c]

Rule 1166

Int[((d_) + (e_.)*(x_)^2)/((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2 + (c_.)*(x_)^4), x_Symbol] :> With[{q = Rt[b^2 - 4*a*c, 2]}, Di
st[e/2 + (2*c*d - b*e)/(2*q), Int[1/(b/2 - q/2 + c*x^2), x], x] + Dist[e/2 - (2*c*d - b*e)/(2*q), Int[1/(b/2 +
 q/2 + c*x^2), x], x]] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e}, x] && NeQ[b^2 - 4*a*c, 0] && NeQ[c*d^2 - a*e^2, 0] && PosQ[b^
2 - 4*a*c]

Rule 1178

Int[((d_) + (e_.)*(x_)^2)*((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2 + (c_.)*(x_)^4)^(p_), x_Symbol] :> Simp[(x*(a*b*e - d*(b^2 - 2*
a*c) - c*(b*d - 2*a*e)*x^2)*(a + b*x^2 + c*x^4)^(p + 1))/(2*a*(p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)), x] + Dist[1/(2*a*(p + 1)
*(b^2 - 4*a*c)), Int[Simp[(2*p + 3)*d*b^2 - a*b*e - 2*a*c*d*(4*p + 5) + (4*p + 7)*(d*b - 2*a*e)*c*x^2, x]*(a +
 b*x^2 + c*x^4)^(p + 1), x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e}, x] && NeQ[b^2 - 4*a*c, 0] && NeQ[c*d^2 - b*d*e + a*e
^2, 0] && LtQ[p, -1] && IntegerQ[2*p]

Rule 1660

Int[(Pq_)*((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_) + (c_.)*(x_)^2)^(p_), x_Symbol] :> With[{Q = PolynomialQuotient[Pq, a + b*x + c*
x^2, x], f = Coeff[PolynomialRemainder[Pq, a + b*x + c*x^2, x], x, 0], g = Coeff[PolynomialRemainder[Pq, a + b
*x + c*x^2, x], x, 1]}, Simp[((b*f - 2*a*g + (2*c*f - b*g)*x)*(a + b*x + c*x^2)^(p + 1))/((p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c
)), x] + Dist[1/((p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)), Int[(a + b*x + c*x^2)^(p + 1)*ExpandToSum[(p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)*Q - (
2*p + 3)*(2*c*f - b*g), x], x], x]] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c}, x] && PolyQ[Pq, x] && NeQ[b^2 - 4*a*c, 0] && LtQ[p, -1

Rule 1663

Int[(Pq_)*(x_)^(m_.)*((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2 + (c_.)*(x_)^4)^(p_), x_Symbol] :> Dist[1/2, Subst[Int[x^((m - 1)/2)
*SubstFor[x^2, Pq, x]*(a + b*x + c*x^2)^p, x], x, x^2], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, p}, x] && PolyQ[Pq, x^2] && Inte
gerQ[(m - 1)/2]

Rule 1673

Int[(Pq_)*((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2 + (c_.)*(x_)^4)^(p_), x_Symbol] :> Module[{q = Expon[Pq, x], k}, Int[Sum[Coeff[
Pq, x, 2*k]*x^(2*k), {k, 0, q/2}]*(a + b*x^2 + c*x^4)^p, x] + Int[x*Sum[Coeff[Pq, x, 2*k + 1]*x^(2*k), {k, 0,
(q - 1)/2}]*(a + b*x^2 + c*x^4)^p, x]] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, p}, x] && PolyQ[Pq, x] &&  !PolyQ[Pq, x^2]

Rule 1678

Int[(Pq_)*((a_) + (b_.)*(x_)^2 + (c_.)*(x_)^4)^(p_), x_Symbol] :> With[{d = Coeff[PolynomialRemainder[Pq, a +
b*x^2 + c*x^4, x], x, 0], e = Coeff[PolynomialRemainder[Pq, a + b*x^2 + c*x^4, x], x, 2]}, Simp[(x*(a + b*x^2
+ c*x^4)^(p + 1)*(a*b*e - d*(b^2 - 2*a*c) - c*(b*d - 2*a*e)*x^2))/(2*a*(p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)), x] + Dist[1/(2*
a*(p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)), Int[(a + b*x^2 + c*x^4)^(p + 1)*ExpandToSum[2*a*(p + 1)*(b^2 - 4*a*c)*PolynomialQuot
ient[Pq, a + b*x^2 + c*x^4, x] + b^2*d*(2*p + 3) - 2*a*c*d*(4*p + 5) - a*b*e + c*(4*p + 7)*(b*d - 2*a*e)*x^2,
x], x], x]] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c}, x] && PolyQ[Pq, x^2] && Expon[Pq, x^2] > 1 && NeQ[b^2 - 4*a*c, 0] && LtQ[p, -1

Rubi steps

\begin {align*} \int \frac {d+e x+f x^2+g x^3+h x^4+46 x^5}{\left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^3} \, dx &=\int \frac {x \left (e+g x^2+46 x^4\right )}{\left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^3} \, dx+\int \frac {d+f x^2+h x^4}{\left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^3} \, dx\\ &=\frac {x \left (17 d+20 f+32 h-(5 d+8 f+20 h) x^2\right )}{144 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}-\frac {1}{144} \int \frac {-19 d+20 f+32 h+5 (5 d+8 f+20 h) x^2}{\left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2} \, dx+\frac {1}{2} \operatorname {Subst}\left (\int \frac {e+g x+46 x^2}{\left (4-5 x+x^2\right )^3} \, dx,x,x^2\right )\\ &=\frac {920+5 e+8 g-(782+2 e+5 g) x^2}{36 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}+\frac {x \left (17 d+20 f+32 h-(5 d+8 f+20 h) x^2\right )}{144 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}-\frac {x \left (59 d+380 f+848 h-5 (7 d+28 f+64 h) x^2\right )}{3456 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}+\frac {\int \frac {3 (173 d+260 f+656 h)+15 (7 d+28 f+64 h) x^2}{4-5 x^2+x^4} \, dx}{10368}-\frac {1}{36} \operatorname {Subst}\left (\int \frac {3 (506+2 e+5 g)}{\left (4-5 x+x^2\right )^2} \, dx,x,x^2\right )\\ &=\frac {920+5 e+8 g-(782+2 e+5 g) x^2}{36 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}+\frac {x \left (17 d+20 f+32 h-(5 d+8 f+20 h) x^2\right )}{144 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}-\frac {x \left (59 d+380 f+848 h-5 (7 d+28 f+64 h) x^2\right )}{3456 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}-\frac {1}{12} (506+2 e+5 g) \operatorname {Subst}\left (\int \frac {1}{\left (4-5 x+x^2\right )^2} \, dx,x,x^2\right )+\frac {1}{648} (-13 d-25 f-61 h) \int \frac {1}{-1+x^2} \, dx+\frac {(313 d+820 f+1936 h) \int \frac {1}{-4+x^2} \, dx}{10368}\\ &=\frac {920+5 e+8 g-(782+2 e+5 g) x^2}{36 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}+\frac {x \left (17 d+20 f+32 h-(5 d+8 f+20 h) x^2\right )}{144 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}-\frac {(506+2 e+5 g) \left (5-2 x^2\right )}{108 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}-\frac {x \left (59 d+380 f+848 h-5 (7 d+28 f+64 h) x^2\right )}{3456 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}-\frac {(313 d+820 f+1936 h) \tanh ^{-1}\left (\frac {x}{2}\right )}{20736}+\frac {1}{648} (13 d+25 f+61 h) \tanh ^{-1}(x)-\frac {1}{54} (-506-2 e-5 g) \operatorname {Subst}\left (\int \frac {1}{4-5 x+x^2} \, dx,x,x^2\right )\\ &=\frac {920+5 e+8 g-(782+2 e+5 g) x^2}{36 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}+\frac {x \left (17 d+20 f+32 h-(5 d+8 f+20 h) x^2\right )}{144 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}-\frac {(506+2 e+5 g) \left (5-2 x^2\right )}{108 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}-\frac {x \left (59 d+380 f+848 h-5 (7 d+28 f+64 h) x^2\right )}{3456 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}-\frac {(313 d+820 f+1936 h) \tanh ^{-1}\left (\frac {x}{2}\right )}{20736}+\frac {1}{648} (13 d+25 f+61 h) \tanh ^{-1}(x)-\frac {1}{162} (-506-2 e-5 g) \operatorname {Subst}\left (\int \frac {1}{-4+x} \, dx,x,x^2\right )-\frac {1}{162} (506+2 e+5 g) \operatorname {Subst}\left (\int \frac {1}{-1+x} \, dx,x,x^2\right )\\ &=\frac {920+5 e+8 g-(782+2 e+5 g) x^2}{36 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}+\frac {x \left (17 d+20 f+32 h-(5 d+8 f+20 h) x^2\right )}{144 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^2}-\frac {(506+2 e+5 g) \left (5-2 x^2\right )}{108 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}-\frac {x \left (59 d+380 f+848 h-5 (7 d+28 f+64 h) x^2\right )}{3456 \left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )}-\frac {(313 d+820 f+1936 h) \tanh ^{-1}\left (\frac {x}{2}\right )}{20736}+\frac {1}{648} (13 d+25 f+61 h) \tanh ^{-1}(x)-\frac {1}{162} (506+2 e+5 g) \log \left (1-x^2\right )+\frac {1}{162} (506+2 e+5 g) \log \left (4-x^2\right )\\ \end {align*}


Mathematica [A]  time = 0.13, size = 261, normalized size = 1.09 \begin {gather*} \frac {-5 d x^3+17 d x-8 e x^2+20 e-8 f x^3+20 f x-20 g x^2+32 g-20 h x^3+32 h x-68 i x^2+80 i}{144 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )^2}+\frac {35 d x^3-59 d x+128 e x^2-320 e+140 f x^3-380 f x+320 g x^2-800 g+320 h x^3-848 h x+704 i x^2-1760 i}{3456 \left (x^4-5 x^2+4\right )}+\frac {\log (1-x) (-13 d-16 e-25 f-40 g-61 h-88 i)}{1296}+\frac {\log (2-x) (313 d+512 e+820 f+1280 g+1936 h+2816 i)}{41472}+\frac {\log (x+1) (13 d-16 e+25 f-40 g+61 h-88 i)}{1296}+\frac {\log (x+2) (-313 d+512 e-820 f+1280 g-1936 h+2816 i)}{41472} \end {gather*}

Antiderivative was successfully verified.


Integrate[(d + e*x + f*x^2 + g*x^3 + h*x^4 + i*x^5)/(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)^3,x]


(20*e + 32*g + 80*i + 17*d*x + 20*f*x + 32*h*x - 8*e*x^2 - 20*g*x^2 - 68*i*x^2 - 5*d*x^3 - 8*f*x^3 - 20*h*x^3)
/(144*(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)^2) + (-320*e - 800*g - 1760*i - 59*d*x - 380*f*x - 848*h*x + 128*e*x^2 + 320*g*x^2 + 7
04*i*x^2 + 35*d*x^3 + 140*f*x^3 + 320*h*x^3)/(3456*(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)) + ((-13*d - 16*e - 25*f - 40*g - 61*h -
88*i)*Log[1 - x])/1296 + ((313*d + 512*e + 820*f + 1280*g + 1936*h + 2816*i)*Log[2 - x])/41472 + ((13*d - 16*e
 + 25*f - 40*g + 61*h - 88*i)*Log[1 + x])/1296 + ((-313*d + 512*e - 820*f + 1280*g - 1936*h + 2816*i)*Log[2 +


IntegrateAlgebraic [F]  time = 0.00, size = 0, normalized size = 0.00 \begin {gather*} \int \frac {d+e x+f x^2+g x^3+h x^4+i x^5}{\left (4-5 x^2+x^4\right )^3} \, dx \end {gather*}

Verification is not applicable to the result.


IntegrateAlgebraic[(d + e*x + f*x^2 + g*x^3 + h*x^4 + i*x^5)/(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)^3,x]


IntegrateAlgebraic[(d + e*x + f*x^2 + g*x^3 + h*x^4 + i*x^5)/(4 - 5*x^2 + x^4)^3, x]


fricas [B]  time = 27.05, size = 616, normalized size = 2.58 \begin {gather*} \frac {60 \, {\left (7 \, d + 28 \, f + 64 \, h\right )} x^{7} + 768 \, {\left (2 \, e + 5 \, g + 11 \, i\right )} x^{6} - 216 \, {\left (13 \, d + 60 \, f + 136 \, h\right )} x^{5} - 5760 \, {\left (2 \, e + 5 \, g + 11 \, i\right )} x^{4} + 756 \, {\left (5 \, d + 36 \, f + 80 \, h\right )} x^{3} + 2304 \, {\left (10 \, e + 25 \, g + 52 \, i\right )} x^{2} + 48 \, {\left (43 \, d - 260 \, f - 656 \, h\right )} x - {\left ({\left (313 \, d - 512 \, e + 820 \, f - 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h - 2816 \, i\right )} x^{8} - 10 \, {\left (313 \, d - 512 \, e + 820 \, f - 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h - 2816 \, i\right )} x^{6} + 33 \, {\left (313 \, d - 512 \, e + 820 \, f - 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h - 2816 \, i\right )} x^{4} - 40 \, {\left (313 \, d - 512 \, e + 820 \, f - 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h - 2816 \, i\right )} x^{2} + 5008 \, d - 8192 \, e + 13120 \, f - 20480 \, g + 30976 \, h - 45056 \, i\right )} \log \left (x + 2\right ) + 32 \, {\left ({\left (13 \, d - 16 \, e + 25 \, f - 40 \, g + 61 \, h - 88 \, i\right )} x^{8} - 10 \, {\left (13 \, d - 16 \, e + 25 \, f - 40 \, g + 61 \, h - 88 \, i\right )} x^{6} + 33 \, {\left (13 \, d - 16 \, e + 25 \, f - 40 \, g + 61 \, h - 88 \, i\right )} x^{4} - 40 \, {\left (13 \, d - 16 \, e + 25 \, f - 40 \, g + 61 \, h - 88 \, i\right )} x^{2} + 208 \, d - 256 \, e + 400 \, f - 640 \, g + 976 \, h - 1408 \, i\right )} \log \left (x + 1\right ) - 32 \, {\left ({\left (13 \, d + 16 \, e + 25 \, f + 40 \, g + 61 \, h + 88 \, i\right )} x^{8} - 10 \, {\left (13 \, d + 16 \, e + 25 \, f + 40 \, g + 61 \, h + 88 \, i\right )} x^{6} + 33 \, {\left (13 \, d + 16 \, e + 25 \, f + 40 \, g + 61 \, h + 88 \, i\right )} x^{4} - 40 \, {\left (13 \, d + 16 \, e + 25 \, f + 40 \, g + 61 \, h + 88 \, i\right )} x^{2} + 208 \, d + 256 \, e + 400 \, f + 640 \, g + 976 \, h + 1408 \, i\right )} \log \left (x - 1\right ) + {\left ({\left (313 \, d + 512 \, e + 820 \, f + 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h + 2816 \, i\right )} x^{8} - 10 \, {\left (313 \, d + 512 \, e + 820 \, f + 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h + 2816 \, i\right )} x^{6} + 33 \, {\left (313 \, d + 512 \, e + 820 \, f + 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h + 2816 \, i\right )} x^{4} - 40 \, {\left (313 \, d + 512 \, e + 820 \, f + 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h + 2816 \, i\right )} x^{2} + 5008 \, d + 8192 \, e + 13120 \, f + 20480 \, g + 30976 \, h + 45056 \, i\right )} \log \left (x - 2\right ) - 9600 \, e - 29184 \, g - 61440 \, i}{41472 \, {\left (x^{8} - 10 \, x^{6} + 33 \, x^{4} - 40 \, x^{2} + 16\right )}} \end {gather*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate((i*x^5+h*x^4+g*x^3+f*x^2+e*x+d)/(x^4-5*x^2+4)^3,x, algorithm="fricas")


1/41472*(60*(7*d + 28*f + 64*h)*x^7 + 768*(2*e + 5*g + 11*i)*x^6 - 216*(13*d + 60*f + 136*h)*x^5 - 5760*(2*e +
 5*g + 11*i)*x^4 + 756*(5*d + 36*f + 80*h)*x^3 + 2304*(10*e + 25*g + 52*i)*x^2 + 48*(43*d - 260*f - 656*h)*x -
 ((313*d - 512*e + 820*f - 1280*g + 1936*h - 2816*i)*x^8 - 10*(313*d - 512*e + 820*f - 1280*g + 1936*h - 2816*
i)*x^6 + 33*(313*d - 512*e + 820*f - 1280*g + 1936*h - 2816*i)*x^4 - 40*(313*d - 512*e + 820*f - 1280*g + 1936
*h - 2816*i)*x^2 + 5008*d - 8192*e + 13120*f - 20480*g + 30976*h - 45056*i)*log(x + 2) + 32*((13*d - 16*e + 25
*f - 40*g + 61*h - 88*i)*x^8 - 10*(13*d - 16*e + 25*f - 40*g + 61*h - 88*i)*x^6 + 33*(13*d - 16*e + 25*f - 40*
g + 61*h - 88*i)*x^4 - 40*(13*d - 16*e + 25*f - 40*g + 61*h - 88*i)*x^2 + 208*d - 256*e + 400*f - 640*g + 976*
h - 1408*i)*log(x + 1) - 32*((13*d + 16*e + 25*f + 40*g + 61*h + 88*i)*x^8 - 10*(13*d + 16*e + 25*f + 40*g + 6
1*h + 88*i)*x^6 + 33*(13*d + 16*e + 25*f + 40*g + 61*h + 88*i)*x^4 - 40*(13*d + 16*e + 25*f + 40*g + 61*h + 88
*i)*x^2 + 208*d + 256*e + 400*f + 640*g + 976*h + 1408*i)*log(x - 1) + ((313*d + 512*e + 820*f + 1280*g + 1936
*h + 2816*i)*x^8 - 10*(313*d + 512*e + 820*f + 1280*g + 1936*h + 2816*i)*x^6 + 33*(313*d + 512*e + 820*f + 128
0*g + 1936*h + 2816*i)*x^4 - 40*(313*d + 512*e + 820*f + 1280*g + 1936*h + 2816*i)*x^2 + 5008*d + 8192*e + 131
20*f + 20480*g + 30976*h + 45056*i)*log(x - 2) - 9600*e - 29184*g - 61440*i)/(x^8 - 10*x^6 + 33*x^4 - 40*x^2 +


giac [A]  time = 0.37, size = 257, normalized size = 1.08 \begin {gather*} -\frac {1}{41472} \, {\left (313 \, d + 820 \, f - 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h - 2816 \, i - 512 \, e\right )} \log \left ({\left | x + 2 \right |}\right ) + \frac {1}{1296} \, {\left (13 \, d + 25 \, f - 40 \, g + 61 \, h - 88 \, i - 16 \, e\right )} \log \left ({\left | x + 1 \right |}\right ) - \frac {1}{1296} \, {\left (13 \, d + 25 \, f + 40 \, g + 61 \, h + 88 \, i + 16 \, e\right )} \log \left ({\left | x - 1 \right |}\right ) + \frac {1}{41472} \, {\left (313 \, d + 820 \, f + 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h + 2816 \, i + 512 \, e\right )} \log \left ({\left | x - 2 \right |}\right ) + \frac {35 \, d x^{7} + 140 \, f x^{7} + 320 \, h x^{7} + 320 \, g x^{6} + 704 \, i x^{6} + 128 \, x^{6} e - 234 \, d x^{5} - 1080 \, f x^{5} - 2448 \, h x^{5} - 2400 \, g x^{4} - 5280 \, i x^{4} - 960 \, x^{4} e + 315 \, d x^{3} + 2268 \, f x^{3} + 5040 \, h x^{3} + 4800 \, g x^{2} + 9984 \, i x^{2} + 1920 \, x^{2} e + 172 \, d x - 1040 \, f x - 2624 \, h x - 2432 \, g - 5120 \, i - 800 \, e}{3456 \, {\left (x^{4} - 5 \, x^{2} + 4\right )}^{2}} \end {gather*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate((i*x^5+h*x^4+g*x^3+f*x^2+e*x+d)/(x^4-5*x^2+4)^3,x, algorithm="giac")


-1/41472*(313*d + 820*f - 1280*g + 1936*h - 2816*i - 512*e)*log(abs(x + 2)) + 1/1296*(13*d + 25*f - 40*g + 61*
h - 88*i - 16*e)*log(abs(x + 1)) - 1/1296*(13*d + 25*f + 40*g + 61*h + 88*i + 16*e)*log(abs(x - 1)) + 1/41472*
(313*d + 820*f + 1280*g + 1936*h + 2816*i + 512*e)*log(abs(x - 2)) + 1/3456*(35*d*x^7 + 140*f*x^7 + 320*h*x^7
+ 320*g*x^6 + 704*i*x^6 + 128*x^6*e - 234*d*x^5 - 1080*f*x^5 - 2448*h*x^5 - 2400*g*x^4 - 5280*i*x^4 - 960*x^4*
e + 315*d*x^3 + 2268*f*x^3 + 5040*h*x^3 + 4800*g*x^2 + 9984*i*x^2 + 1920*x^2*e + 172*d*x - 1040*f*x - 2624*h*x
 - 2432*g - 5120*i - 800*e)/(x^4 - 5*x^2 + 4)^2


maple [B]  time = 0.02, size = 554, normalized size = 2.32 \begin {gather*} \frac {11 i \ln \left (x +2\right )}{162}-\frac {11 i \ln \left (x -1\right )}{162}-\frac {11 i \ln \left (x +1\right )}{162}+\frac {11 i \ln \left (x -2\right )}{162}-\frac {121 h \ln \left (x +2\right )}{2592}-\frac {61 h \ln \left (x -1\right )}{1296}+\frac {61 h \ln \left (x +1\right )}{1296}+\frac {121 h \ln \left (x -2\right )}{2592}-\frac {5 g \ln \left (x -1\right )}{162}+\frac {5 g \ln \left (x +2\right )}{162}+\frac {5 g \ln \left (x -2\right )}{162}-\frac {5 g \ln \left (x +1\right )}{162}-\frac {313 d \ln \left (x +2\right )}{41472}+\frac {e \ln \left (x +2\right )}{81}-\frac {e \ln \left (x -1\right )}{81}-\frac {13 d \ln \left (x -1\right )}{1296}-\frac {e \ln \left (x +1\right )}{81}+\frac {13 d \ln \left (x +1\right )}{1296}+\frac {313 d \ln \left (x -2\right )}{41472}+\frac {e \ln \left (x -2\right )}{81}+\frac {205 f \ln \left (x -2\right )}{10368}+\frac {25 f \ln \left (x +1\right )}{1296}-\frac {25 f \ln \left (x -1\right )}{1296}-\frac {205 f \ln \left (x +2\right )}{10368}+\frac {i}{24 x -48}+\frac {h}{48 x +48}+\frac {h}{48 x -48}+\frac {e}{144 x -144}+\frac {d}{432 x +432}+\frac {d}{432 x -432}-\frac {i}{108 \left (x +2\right )^{2}}+\frac {i}{432 \left (x -1\right )^{2}}+\frac {i}{432 \left (x +1\right )^{2}}-\frac {i}{108 \left (x -2\right )^{2}}+\frac {h}{216 \left (x +2\right )^{2}}+\frac {h}{432 \left (x -1\right )^{2}}-\frac {h}{432 \left (x +1\right )^{2}}-\frac {h}{216 \left (x -2\right )^{2}}-\frac {g}{432 \left (x +2\right )^{2}}+\frac {g}{432 \left (x -1\right )^{2}}+\frac {g}{432 \left (x +1\right )^{2}}-\frac {g}{432 \left (x -2\right )^{2}}-\frac {d}{432 \left (x +1\right )^{2}}+\frac {e}{432 \left (x +1\right )^{2}}+\frac {d}{432 \left (x -1\right )^{2}}+\frac {e}{432 \left (x -1\right )^{2}}+\frac {d}{3456 \left (x +2\right )^{2}}-\frac {e}{1728 \left (x +2\right )^{2}}+\frac {f}{864 \left (x +2\right )^{2}}+\frac {f}{432 \left (x -1\right )^{2}}-\frac {f}{432 \left (x +1\right )^{2}}-\frac {f}{864 \left (x -2\right )^{2}}-\frac {d}{3456 \left (x -2\right )^{2}}-\frac {e}{1728 \left (x -2\right )^{2}}-\frac {i}{24 \left (x +2\right )}-\frac {11 i}{432 \left (x +1\right )}+\frac {11 i}{432 \left (x -1\right )}+\frac {11 h}{432 \left (x +2\right )}+\frac {11 h}{432 \left (x -2\right )}-\frac {13 g}{864 \left (x +2\right )}-\frac {7 g}{432 \left (x +1\right )}+\frac {7 g}{432 \left (x -1\right )}+\frac {13 g}{864 \left (x -2\right )}+\frac {19 d}{6912 \left (x +2\right )}-\frac {17 e}{3456 \left (x +2\right )}+\frac {19 d}{6912 \left (x -2\right )}+\frac {17 e}{3456 \left (x -2\right )}-\frac {e}{144 \left (x +1\right )}+\frac {5 f}{432 \left (x -1\right )}+\frac {5 f}{576 \left (x +2\right )}+\frac {5 f}{576 \left (x -2\right )}+\frac {5 f}{432 \left (x +1\right )} \end {gather*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.






maxima [A]  time = 1.12, size = 238, normalized size = 1.00 \begin {gather*} -\frac {1}{41472} \, {\left (313 \, d - 512 \, e + 820 \, f - 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h - 2816 \, i\right )} \log \left (x + 2\right ) + \frac {1}{1296} \, {\left (13 \, d - 16 \, e + 25 \, f - 40 \, g + 61 \, h - 88 \, i\right )} \log \left (x + 1\right ) - \frac {1}{1296} \, {\left (13 \, d + 16 \, e + 25 \, f + 40 \, g + 61 \, h + 88 \, i\right )} \log \left (x - 1\right ) + \frac {1}{41472} \, {\left (313 \, d + 512 \, e + 820 \, f + 1280 \, g + 1936 \, h + 2816 \, i\right )} \log \left (x - 2\right ) + \frac {5 \, {\left (7 \, d + 28 \, f + 64 \, h\right )} x^{7} + 64 \, {\left (2 \, e + 5 \, g + 11 \, i\right )} x^{6} - 18 \, {\left (13 \, d + 60 \, f + 136 \, h\right )} x^{5} - 480 \, {\left (2 \, e + 5 \, g + 11 \, i\right )} x^{4} + 63 \, {\left (5 \, d + 36 \, f + 80 \, h\right )} x^{3} + 192 \, {\left (10 \, e + 25 \, g + 52 \, i\right )} x^{2} + 4 \, {\left (43 \, d - 260 \, f - 656 \, h\right )} x - 800 \, e - 2432 \, g - 5120 \, i}{3456 \, {\left (x^{8} - 10 \, x^{6} + 33 \, x^{4} - 40 \, x^{2} + 16\right )}} \end {gather*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate((i*x^5+h*x^4+g*x^3+f*x^2+e*x+d)/(x^4-5*x^2+4)^3,x, algorithm="maxima")


-1/41472*(313*d - 512*e + 820*f - 1280*g + 1936*h - 2816*i)*log(x + 2) + 1/1296*(13*d - 16*e + 25*f - 40*g + 6
1*h - 88*i)*log(x + 1) - 1/1296*(13*d + 16*e + 25*f + 40*g + 61*h + 88*i)*log(x - 1) + 1/41472*(313*d + 512*e
+ 820*f + 1280*g + 1936*h + 2816*i)*log(x - 2) + 1/3456*(5*(7*d + 28*f + 64*h)*x^7 + 64*(2*e + 5*g + 11*i)*x^6
 - 18*(13*d + 60*f + 136*h)*x^5 - 480*(2*e + 5*g + 11*i)*x^4 + 63*(5*d + 36*f + 80*h)*x^3 + 192*(10*e + 25*g +
 52*i)*x^2 + 4*(43*d - 260*f - 656*h)*x - 800*e - 2432*g - 5120*i)/(x^8 - 10*x^6 + 33*x^4 - 40*x^2 + 16)


mupad [B]  time = 0.62, size = 233, normalized size = 0.97 \begin {gather*} \ln \left (x+1\right )\,\left (\frac {13\,d}{1296}-\frac {e}{81}+\frac {25\,f}{1296}-\frac {5\,g}{162}+\frac {61\,h}{1296}-\frac {11\,i}{162}\right )-\ln \left (x-1\right )\,\left (\frac {13\,d}{1296}+\frac {e}{81}+\frac {25\,f}{1296}+\frac {5\,g}{162}+\frac {61\,h}{1296}+\frac {11\,i}{162}\right )-\frac {\left (-\frac {35\,d}{3456}-\frac {35\,f}{864}-\frac {5\,h}{54}\right )\,x^7+\left (-\frac {e}{27}-\frac {5\,g}{54}-\frac {11\,i}{54}\right )\,x^6+\left (\frac {13\,d}{192}+\frac {5\,f}{16}+\frac {17\,h}{24}\right )\,x^5+\left (\frac {5\,e}{18}+\frac {25\,g}{36}+\frac {55\,i}{36}\right )\,x^4+\left (-\frac {35\,d}{384}-\frac {21\,f}{32}-\frac {35\,h}{24}\right )\,x^3+\left (-\frac {5\,e}{9}-\frac {25\,g}{18}-\frac {26\,i}{9}\right )\,x^2+\left (\frac {65\,f}{216}-\frac {43\,d}{864}+\frac {41\,h}{54}\right )\,x+\frac {25\,e}{108}+\frac {19\,g}{27}+\frac {40\,i}{27}}{x^8-10\,x^6+33\,x^4-40\,x^2+16}+\ln \left (x-2\right )\,\left (\frac {313\,d}{41472}+\frac {e}{81}+\frac {205\,f}{10368}+\frac {5\,g}{162}+\frac {121\,h}{2592}+\frac {11\,i}{162}\right )-\ln \left (x+2\right )\,\left (\frac {313\,d}{41472}-\frac {e}{81}+\frac {205\,f}{10368}-\frac {5\,g}{162}+\frac {121\,h}{2592}-\frac {11\,i}{162}\right ) \end {gather*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


int((d + e*x + f*x^2 + g*x^3 + h*x^4 + i*x^5)/(x^4 - 5*x^2 + 4)^3,x)


log(x + 1)*((13*d)/1296 - e/81 + (25*f)/1296 - (5*g)/162 + (61*h)/1296 - (11*i)/162) - log(x - 1)*((13*d)/1296
 + e/81 + (25*f)/1296 + (5*g)/162 + (61*h)/1296 + (11*i)/162) - ((25*e)/108 + (19*g)/27 + (40*i)/27 + x*((65*f
)/216 - (43*d)/864 + (41*h)/54) + x^5*((13*d)/192 + (5*f)/16 + (17*h)/24) - x^3*((35*d)/384 + (21*f)/32 + (35*
h)/24) - x^7*((35*d)/3456 + (35*f)/864 + (5*h)/54) - x^2*((5*e)/9 + (25*g)/18 + (26*i)/9) - x^6*(e/27 + (5*g)/
54 + (11*i)/54) + x^4*((5*e)/18 + (25*g)/36 + (55*i)/36))/(33*x^4 - 40*x^2 - 10*x^6 + x^8 + 16) + log(x - 2)*(
(313*d)/41472 + e/81 + (205*f)/10368 + (5*g)/162 + (121*h)/2592 + (11*i)/162) - log(x + 2)*((313*d)/41472 - e/
81 + (205*f)/10368 - (5*g)/162 + (121*h)/2592 - (11*i)/162)


sympy [F(-1)]  time = 0.00, size = 0, normalized size = 0.00 \begin {gather*} \text {Timed out} \end {gather*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.




Timed out
